Carbon neutral projects we’re helping: Mexico Cookstoves

Carbon neutral projects we’re helping: Mexico Cookstoves

Thursday, 9 Aug 2018

Auto Windscreens is proud to be a carbon neutral company and to be helping carbon reduction/sustainable development projects across the globe through its partnership with BP Target Neutral.

The distribution of cookstoves to Mexico’s poorest and most rural communities is one such project:  

Situation in Mexico

In Mexico, around a quarter of the population (27 million in rural and indigenous communities) uses firewood for cooking. Firewood is the main energy source for approximately 80% of rural households, with the majority using open fires which are inefficient when it comes to fuel usage, contributing to deforestation. They can also cause respiratory problems and burns.

What the cookstoves do?

The introduction of high-efficiency cookstoves by C-Quest Capital is expected to eliminate close to 3 tons of CO2 per year. This will reduce deforestation and land degradation and support conservation agriculture. It also improves people’s health and wellbeing.

How many cookstoves are being distributed?

The project has been running since 2012 and aims to install 35,000 cookstoves per year by 2019, benefiting families throughout the country.

Key benefits

  • Environmental – Mexico lost 6.9 percent of its forest cover between 1990 and 2005 (4,778,000 hectares). Cookstoves use less fuel and therefore less wood is needed from forests.
  • Financial security – The increased efficiency of the cookstoves vs open fires has a direct financial benefit on families; the reduction in fuel wood means savings.
  • Health & wellbeing – Indoor air pollution from open fire cooking can contribute to increased likelihood of illnesses, including acute lower respiratory infections and lung cancer. Cookstoves use chimney flues to exhaust cooking gases outside of buildings.
  • Empowering Women – By reducing the amount of wood needed, cookstoves mean lighter loads for women to carry, lower safety risks for them and less time needed for gathering wood, allowing more time for other activities/family time.
  • Economic and social sustainability – The project contributes significantly to Mexico’s economic sustainability through the more efficient use of firewood. The cookstoves help families and the country make energy savings. They reduce household expenditures and lessen the time needed for gathering firewood, freeing up time for income generating activities.

Through demonstration, training and implementation, the project is also improving social outcomes in education and awareness.

1. Mexico Cookstoves - Young family.JPG

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